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Last Updated: 4/25/16

Article I

The organizations shall be known as Arbor View High School Band Boosters and is a Nevada nonprofit corporation approved by the Internal Revenue Service to operate as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization hereafter referred to as the “Band Boosters”.

The Fiscal Year for Band Boosters shall be from July 1st – June 30th of each year.

Article II

The Band Boosters shall support the Arbor View High School Band program, in Las Vegas, Nevada, which includes the marching band, color guard, indoor drumline, concert band, jazz band, pep band, percussion and all related ensembles (collectively the “Band”) by:

Supporting the financial needs of the Band;
Maintaining an enthusiastic interest in the students, staff, parents, and community in all aspects of the Band.
Provide the highest quality and most positive experience to all Band members by supporting the Band and its directors.

Article III

Membership shall be open to everyone within the community who are interested in the purposes and objectives of the organization.

Membership of the Band Boosters shall consist of two classes of members “Voting Members” and “Nonvoting Members”.

Voting Members shall be established each Fiscal Year and consist of all parents and legal guardians of students enrolled at Arbor View High School during the current school year.

Nonvoting Members shall be established and consist of any interested persons in the community.

To consent to membership, a Member must submit written registration that includes the Member’s Name, email and phone number.

Every voting member will receive a six digit ID for purposes such as voting.

Article IV

There shall be a minimum of one (1) regular meeting of the general membership each month from September through May of each Fiscal Year

The Band Boosters shall hold its Annual Meeting in May each year, at which time the elections of officers for the next year shall take place.

General Meetings shall be held on the first Tuesday of each month. Other times necessary by the Executive Board to be in the best interest of the Band and Band Boosters.

All general members must be notified no less than four (4) days prior to a general meeting of any date change.

The Executive Board shall meet monthly, which shall be held at a different time as the general membership meeting during those months when a general membership meeting is held.

A quorum for all general membership meetings other than Officer Elections at the Annual Meeting shall be a quorum of the Executive Board and at least five (5) voting members. No quorum shall be necessary for Officer Elections at the Annual Meeting.

Article VI

The President may authorize expenditures for budgeted items, not to exceed the amount approved by the membership in the annual budget. The President shall have the authority to approve non-budgeted expenditures not to exceed $200 per month. Expenditures of non-budgeted funds expected to exceed $200, but less than $400, shall be presented to the Executive Board for approval by majority vote. This shall be limited to $400 per month.

Financial records shall be submitted no later than June 1st of each year. Transfer of records to the new officers shall take place within fifteen (15) days following the date which their successors assume office.

The expenses of the Band Boosters shall be borne by the revenues from fundraising, donations and membership dues, when applicable.

At every general meeting, a status of the current budget shall be presented along with any proposed changes.

Article VII

Drafts, checks, transfers, or withdrawals involving any accounting of the Band Boosters must be signed by two (2) members of the Executive Board, specifically the Band Booster Treasurer and or/ Associate Treasurer or President or 1st Vice President. All checks must have two (2) authorized signatures.

The following duties are requirements to be followed in order to ensure accurate financial record keeping.

Reconcile bank statement to the band checkbook ledger each month. Provide a reconciliation at every Executive Board meeting.

Keep checkbook balance current at all times.

No check is to be issued with Payee, Amount and Date completed prior to signature and release unless amount is unknown at the time and Treasurer received original receipt within twenty-four (24) hours.

No check shall be issued without a completed “Check Request Form” (AV-101) and invoice for documentation.

Any monies collected shall be verified by the Treasurer and other elected board members. Deposit slips shall be initialed by both parties.

Deposits of monies must be made within two (2) business days (Monday thru Friday) excluding holidays.

All authorization of “start up” disbursements must be initiated by the Treasurer and one Executive Board Member. Start up banks would checked out with form. (AVBB-102)

Any returned check shall be forwarded to the President, Treasurer and Band Director for any further action.

Any donation to the band boosters or band program will require a “Report of Gifts” to be filled out and sent to the donor. (AVBB-103)

An audit shall take place one (1) time per year, or at the discretion of either the band director or two-thirds (⅔) of the Executive Board.

Article V

The officers of the Band Boosters shall come from the General Membership. No elected officer shall serve in the same office for more than four (4) consecutive years. No elected officer shall succeed any family member in any elected position (family members shall be defined as husband, wife, brother, sister, in-laws, etc.). No two (2) family members shall serve as officers together in the same term. No spouse or family member of any elected officer shall assume or “take over” the responsibilities of the officer. Band Booster officers as follows:

The President shall:
Preside over all meetings of the Band Boosters and of the Executive Board and prepare an agenda prior to every Executive Board and General Meeting.
Serve as the Executive Office of the Band Boosters and shall represent the interest of the organization as necessary to the Administration of Arbor View High School and the community.
Perform all other duties pertaining to the President’s office and shall, along with the concessions chairperson, represent the Band Boosters at the meeting of the Band Boosters.
Serve as Ex Officio member at all committees, except the Nominating Committee.
Form any special committees that may be required from time to time and appoint coordinators for those committees.
Repost actions of the Executive Board at each General Meeting of the Band Boosters.
Serve as the custodian of the Bylaws and see that each officer and standing committee chairperson is provided a copy of the Bylaws and a written list of specific duties for which each if responsible.

Vice President of Operations
Preside in the absence of the President and shall fill the office of the President should a vacancy occur in that position.
Oversee the Treasurer and all finances for the Band Boosters.
Purchase and promote merchandise and sale of the Band Booster spirit items; account for funds collected; maintain an accurate inventory. Maintain a record of all sold items and monies collected.
Perform any other task assigned by the President or Band Directors.

Vice President of Fundraising
Serve as coordinators of the Fund-Raising Committee and will be responsible for the research and implementation of fundraising.
Shall be in charge of the Concession Committee
Recruit and coordinate manning for operation of the concession stand for each home football game.
Perform any other task assigned by the President or Band Directors.

Vice President of Sponsorship
Shall coordinate all sponsorships both local and corporate.
Provide a plan of sponsorships for the new fiscal year.
Provide monthly date down reports of any and all sponsorship actions.
Shall create and maintain relationships with all sponsors of the boosters.

Shall manage any and all funds of the band boosters.
Shall present a monthly budget to the booster general membership.
Perform any other task assigned by the President or Band Directors.

Shall keep a current and active list of general members.
Shall take minutes at all meetings held by the boosters.
Shall perform any other task assigned by the President or Band Directors.

Uniform Coordinator
Shall serve and coordinate all uniforms during the marching band season and school year.
Shall perform any other task assigned by the President or Band Directors.

Shall have held a previous Executive Board position for more than one (1) year.
Shall serve and advise the Executive Board in any way possible.
Shall perform any other task assigned by the President or Band Directors.

Article VIII

The Executive Board shall consist of eight (8) elected officers and The Arbor View High School Band Directors. The executive board shall have no less than seven (8) positions and no more than fifteen (15).

The Executive Board shall meet for the first time within fifteen (15) days of the elections after the May General Meeting.

The Executive Board shall conduct all affairs of the Band Boosters in accordance with these Bylaws.

Any tie vote shall be broken by the vote of either the Band Director or their assistant, but not both.

Article IX

The President shall appoint coordinators from the General Membership to coordinate the activities of the standing committees pending approval of the Executive Board. Committee coordinators will be invited to the Executive Board meetings as needs arise, but will not have a vote. These coordinators will serve at the discretion of the Executive Board. These committees are:

Indoor Drum line
Winter Color Guard
Budget Committee

The Indoor Drumline Committee shall assist the Directors of the Band in the beginning preparations for the Indoor Drumline season beginning in October of each year. This includes assisting in measuring and ordering uniforms, obtaining music and drill concepts, fabricating props, repairing and maintaining equipment, keeping a list of volunteers willing to assist with hauling, lifting, loading and unloading props and equipment of competitions throughout the season, and generally assisting the Directors as needed. The committee should meet each month from October through April.

The Winter Guard Committee shall assist the Directors of the Band in the beginning preparations for the Winter Guard season beginning October of each year. This includes assisting in measuring and ordering uniforms, obtaining music and drill concepts, hemming repairing, and sewing uniforms and flags, assisting with hair and makeup, fabricating props, repairing and maintaining equipment, keeping a list of volunteers willing to assist during the season and generally helping the Directors as needed. The committee should meet each month from October through April.

The Budget Committee shall be responsible for meeting in January of each year, the Committee shall meet and begin to prepare a budget for the following year based on historical income and expense reports with the input from the Band Directors. The Budget shall be presented to the Board for approval and the Budget shall be used as a baseline for the following year.

The Budget Committee shall consists of five (5) Executive Board Members and at least one (1) General Member with a background in finance.

More to be determined by the Executive Board at the time needed.

Article X

The following officers will be elected at the May Annual meeting of each year.

Vice President of Operations
Vice President of Fundraising
Vice President of Sponsorship
Uniform Coordinator

Nominations shall be made by an appointed Nominating Committee formed at the March meeting. The Nominating Committee shall consist of two (2) Executive Board Members, three (3) voting members, and one (1) Band Director who shall be nominated and elected at the March General Meeting. The Nominating Committee shall select at least one (1) nominee for each of the offices.

The Band Director who shall serve on the Nomination Committee will have the right to veto any nomination due to any reason. The Band Director shall also provide a written reason for any veto of nomination.

Nominations will be beginning within five (5) days of the March meeting. Nominations will be anonymous and will be close fifteen (15) days after opening.

The Nominating Committee will have thirty (30) days to interview and prepare a list of Nominees.

The Nominating Committee must post the nominations at least five (5) days prior to the election in a conspicuous place.

Officers elected shall hold office from July 1st – June 30th of each year.

Article XI

Upon the dissolution of the Band Boosters, the property and assets shall revert to the Clark County School District or as in accordance with public law.

Article XII

These Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Band Boosters by two-thirds (2/3) vote of eligible members present and voting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment(s) shall have been give at the previous meeting and that the proposed amendment(s) has (have) been reviewed by the Executive Board for presentation to the General Membership. The proposed amendment(s) shall be made available in writing to the General Membership at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting when the voting will occur.

Article XIII

The Bylaws Review Committee shall be formed and a coordinator appointed by the President of the Band Boosters at least, but not limited to, once every one (1) year. The function of the committee shall be to review the Bylaws and recommend revisions or amendments as required.

These Bylaws shall be adopted by vote of the Band Boosters General Membership and shall become effective when signed and dated by each member of the Executive Board.

During the year when Bylaws are enacted, the Band Booster Officers who are holding office at the time of enactment shall continue to do so and shall be considered as members of the Executive Board. The duties of officers are governed by the enacted Bylaws; however, if there are officers whose functions are not defined in the enacted Bylaws, the Executive Board shall determine those functions, in writing and inform the General Membership.

Article X

By a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Board, an officer or chairperson may be removed from office for failure to perform his/her duties as outlined or breach of confidentiality agreement in these Bylaws. An office or chairperson who misses three (3) consecutive meetings may be removed from office.